Friday, August 11, 2017

Statement Analysis: Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber

This statement has 247 words, 18 lines, 1385 spaced characters, and 1631 non-spaced characters. Approximately 20% of the paragraph are adjectives, 25% verbs, 46% nouns, 7% adverbs, and 49% functions words, which according to research, functions words are words that provide little lexical significance or have little ambiguity to the meaning its meaning or the sentence.

The word count showed that James’s most used word was women, writing it 12 times in one paragraph. “Women” count for a 7.59 % of the paragraph structure. This, according to research on language and words usage indicates that James might have additional personal issues with the opposite gender than those expressed in this paragraph. Additional studies are required to determine the nature and extent of those issues. See Figure 1 Word Cloud, and Table 1 Word Weight Percentage for a broader idea of the structure and word use in this paragraph. 

Additional analysis indicates that only a 15.81% of the words imply to the content of the paragraph. James used too many ‘big words’ which research shows it is a self-conscious way of expression and in many situations, it indicates that the person has social/workplace issues due to the nature of his/her behavior.

James used 53 words to explain why he perceived that women prefer their professional development in social and artistic areas, which according to the Department of Labor (2017) it is not true. His argument is debatable. See the table below. In fact, statistics show that men also favor arts as their professional fields, as much or maybe more than women. Also, line and six of the statement, the ones highlighted in pink, those are two standalone sentences. Line eight explains James’s perceived assumption and judgment. Lines nine and ten contradict themselves: “Note that these are just average differences (on what is he basing this average?), and there’s overlap between men and women (I would like more information on where what, or how men and women overlap before making an assessment) but this seen “solely as a women’s issue” (By the end of the sentence it is not an overlap anymore. Now is just a women’s issue?)

For lines 13, 14, and 15, highlighted in pink, I would suggest requesting more information to determine its validity. Lines 17 and 18, also highlighted in pink are also debatable. Academic research showed that there are no significant gender-specific differences associated with personality or emotions between men and women.

Further, emotional intelligence research also showed that there is not gender-specific difference defining the individuals’ emotional intelligence competencies, or the way that individuals manage their emotions.

According to the evaluation of this statement, James “needs to stop assuming that gender gap implies sexism” and evaluate his own perception of the overall situation. How is it affecting him? How responsible is James of his own situation? What is bothering the most? How emotionally aware is James? How satisfy is James with his choices? Is James suffering from some form of depression? Does James feel that he is not advancing enough in his professional environment? Those are questions that will help us to explore the motivations behind James’s manifesto.

Moreover, according to research, the gender gap is an existing cultural problem. However, it is less likely that the gender gap is directly associated with racism against sex or sexism which is an entirely different topic. See Figure 3 Pew Research Center for additional information on the gender gap.

Word Cloud 
Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber

 Data by Area and Occupation

Monday, August 7, 2017

DHS S&T Awards $645K to Northeastern University to Develop Systems for Auditing and Controlling Personal Information Leaks

WASHINGTON—The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has awarded Northeastern University (NEU) $645,229 to develop a system that organizations and individuals can use to audit and control personally identifiable information (PII) leaks from connected devices. The award was made through the S&T Cyber Security Division’s (CSD) Data Privacy project. CSD is part of the Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency. CSD’s Data Privacy project seeks architectures, tools, applied models and other solutions across the research-and-development (R&D) lifecycle along three primary contexts: connected devices, mobile computing and sensor platforms; large-scale and heterogeneous data and algorithms; and the delivery of digital services.

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Friday, August 4, 2017

Statement Analysis

We can apply statement analysis to any documents. A VP of a magazine wrote the below statement. I couldn’t resist to review the statement and provide my recommendations on what should not be done in a statement letter when it will target millions of people. My suggestions are not perfect, but it is a start.

Perception in Public Administration

    Emotional intelligence has been one of the faster-growing conceptualizations in social science since the 1990s. Research shows that the ...